RIP Lord Tanamo.
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Kategori: Allmänt
Ok, so this is it. We've been at it for 10 years this fall. A fucking decade. Let that sink in! It's not Motörhead or anything, but still. So on this nice even number we're calling it quits.
We've grown fat, even hairier and expended a lot of energy making us tired as old shit. We believe we've taken Dobermann Cult as far as it will go sound wise and innovation wise. We are extremely proud of all our releases and the live shows we've done but feel we have little more to offer. Everyone of us are pursuing other stuff musically and otherwise, so we happily depart as friends.
We still have some recorded new tracks though, unreleased. So we ask all of you, how would you like to see this material released? Digitally? On Spotify? Soundcloud? Would you pre-pay for us to press a good-bye-7"? Please let us know in the comments!
We will do a last farewell-show at Dead Rhythm Fest @ Cyklopen, Stockholm the 30th September. If you want to say good bye and catch us one last time, be sure to show up. Second chances aren't offered here.
We would like to take this oppertunity to thank everyone who helped us in any shape or form during the past decade. Some deserve extra notice; Kaj and Gaphals Rec., Fabian and our entire french crew, Mangel and our mighty friends who laid down vocals on our records and Mattis for playing drums in the earlier years. Thank you to all the bands, all the venues, all the towns and cities we've played in. Most importantly, Thanks to everyone who came out to our shows to stage dive and high-5! Thanks to all of you who payed your hard earned/stolen cash to buy our records and merch! Thank you all so much!
Dobermann Cult has been a huge part of our lives and we will be welded with true bonds to each other by it forever. Those are the final words. If you want something to stand for, stand up for this.
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Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Tidigare år har vi haft Tillståndsmyndigheten hängandes över vårt arrangemang. Varit bra nära att sista droppen fått bägaren att svämma över...peppar, peppar har vi pga polisens närvaro klarat oss ifrån "stängda kranar". Detta år kommer vi, likt vilken restaurang/klubb/arrangemang som helst, ATT vara hårda på nykterheten vid insläpp....förkrök från kl.12 är EJ att rekommendera.
En-dagars biljett kommer säljas i dörren á 400kr/st (endast kontant). Cirka 20 biljetter per dag finns. Kom i tid och köp din biljett...du kan gå och återkomma senare om så önskas.
* Dörrar 17:00 (fredag) 18:00 (lördag).
* Kom i tid då ALLA kommer få festival armband. Risk för kö!
* 18 års gräns pga alkoholservering.
* Softdrinks finns samt två Foodtrucks (även veg mat).
* Första band 19:30 båda dagar (tider på bilden).
* Merchandise från alla band samt Hard & Smart Distro.
* Obligatorisk garderob (20 kr).
* Cash Is King! Kontokort fungerar i baren och Hard & Smart Distro.
* Försiktig med alkoholen innan. Punkfull = nekat inträde.
* Lämna politiken hemma. Åsiktsmaskiner klarar vi oss utan.
Kategori: Allmänt
With the heaviest of hearts, we have the saddest of news to bring.
Shug passed away last night.
Please respect Carla and Shug's family's need for privacy at this devastating time.
RIP Shug.
(Från The Snipes fb-sida, söndag)
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Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Sadly we have to inform you that due to personal matters we may not be able to play at PSK this year. So, instead of pulling out at the last minute we'd thought we'd give the organizers some time in advance so that they can find a suitable replacement.
Vi är ledsna att vi, på grund av personliga skäl, eventuellt inte kan spela på PSK i år. Så för att vara ute i god tid, och ge organisatörerna en chans att hitta några bra ersättare har vi valt att redan nu meddela detta.
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Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt