Nytt från Oldfashioned Ideas.

Kategori: Skivsläpp

Hyrda Knektar-Sänkta skepp.

Kategori: Allmänt

I april nästa år släpper Noise of Sweden ett minialbum med Hyrda Knektar på tiotums vinyl kallat "Vi Kommer Dö Men Först Ska Vi Leva".

Oxley's Midnight Runners- Combat 7" Promo

Kategori: Skivsläpp

The Beat from Palookaville och Elin Ruth har släppt julskiva.

Kategori: Skivsläpp

...tillsammans med Elin Ruth.
20 november släpptes den och bolaget är Divers Avenue Music.
Några röster om skivan är bland annat:

 "This album includes old soul classics and new originals"
"Ett gäng souliga guldkorn från back in the day"

The Suburbs på cd.

Kategori: Skivsläpp

Sista Livet kassett kommer!

Kategori: Skivsläpp

Kommande släpp av PST.

Kategori: Skivsläpp


Agent Bulldogg / Close Shave släppdatum.

Kategori: Skivsläpp

...släpps på fredag den 20 november.

Snail Trail släpper The Snipes.

Kategori: Skivsläpp

 Snail Trail, som nyligen släppte Chaos in Sweden # 2 kommer i framtiden att släppa The Snipes på vinyl. 
In och gilla bolaget på facebook så ni får koll.

Vagina Dentata släpper skiva.

Kategori: Gigtips.

Torsdagen den 12 november kl 19-22 är det konsert och release 4 Vagina Dentatas första EP "Darlington" på Kafé 44 ♥--></3
We're totally hyped bcuz under kvällen får vi dela scen med våra bubble-baby-gum gäster Saqwerty 
EP:n finns till försäljning under kvällen. 
Inträde 40 kr $-D

På scen:
20.00 Saqwerty 
21.00 Vagina Dentata 

Hoppas vi ses där och att ditt hjärta går i 1000 bitar

Proojekt 9 släpper skiva.

Kategori: Skivsläpp

I december är det äntligen dags för ett litet skivsläpp!
12 låtar kommer att släppas digitalt och på en mindre upplaga CD genom
Pretty Shitty Town Records!

Ny skiva från Angelic Upstarts.

Kategori: Skivsläpp


The new album will be officially released December 4th on CD
followed by the Vinyl on January 29th. However, those who have already pre-ordered, will receive their CD's and/or vinyl in advance of those dates. The same will go for anyone else who chooses to pre-order. Reserve it early, get it early!

*A video taster of the new album is coming soon!


Agent Bulldogg / Close Shave - "We Will Never Die" Split 7" (Teaser)

Kategori: Skivsläpp

The Complete Proffesionals.

Kategori: Skivsläpp


Teaser från Discharger.

Kategori: Skivsläpp

The Underdogs samling.

Kategori: Skivsläpp

The Underdogs from Leeds, were a prolific band of the second batch of UK Punk. They recorded two brilliant demos between 1982 and 1983. The band were formed in 1981, and their name was inspired by the song of the Mancunian legends The Drones. Although some pundits likened them to the The Clash, SLF and Dead Kennedys their own preferences were varied. That said, all four members were fans of The Clash. They rehearsed at the Windmill Youth Club in Rothwell (Leeds), which was also the launching pad of fellow Riot City Punksters, The Expelled.

They recorded their first demo in 1981, which included the songs “Big Brother” and “Make It Last”. However, it was their second visit to the studio in 82/83 (this time funded by Riot City, that saw their finest hour), the production of “East of Dachau” EP, which, with “Johnny Go Home” and “Dead Soldier” announced their arrival on the Punk scene. 

Despite limited success, mainly due to lack of gigs, Riot City persevered with the band and an 8“ track Mini-Album was planned for the following year. Sadly, Riot City fell into financial difficulties at this time and so those 8” tracks, which included “Never Gonna give Up”, “Hate Bomb” and “Paint It Red” never saw daylight. During the following year they managed to do a few gigs, supporting The Toy Dolls, Angelic Upstarts and Subhumans among others but they never got the chance to play outside the UK. 

The very last line-up was: Bill and UG (The Underdogs) and Macca and Tim (The Expelled). By this time they had changed their name to Paradise West. They played one gig supporting the Upstarts then disbanded, permanently. “Riot In Rothwell” was released posthumously... Using the tracks from the 8" track EP that never was. (UG 2015)

After 34 years that they recorded their first Demo “Riot in Rothwell”, Common People Records proudly presents for first time on vinyl, the two Demos of the band, never released before on vinyl. “Riot in Rothwell” recorded in 1982 and “East of Dachau” recorded in 1983. All tracks have been remastered for a better sound quality during summer 2015 at ‘Rana Studios’. Limited edition to 520 copies. 


1-Never Gonna Give Up
2-Love in a Hate Bomb 
3-Private Wars
4-Make it Last
5-Self Preservation Society
7-East of Dachau
8-Johnny Go Home
10-Boys will be Boys
11-Late Starter
12-Big Brother
13-Dead Soldier
14-Paint it Red
15-Good Bye

Wolf bites boy debutalbum.

Kategori: Skivsläpp


Lost Warning-War criminals.

Kategori: Allmänt

Den sista Resan.

Kategori: Allmänt

Relesefest för Topper 16 oktober.

Kategori: Gigtips.