Last Crusade-Demo 2014.
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Oi! Pogolovers of the world!
We have extremely sad news to report. Tomorrow we were going to go on a three week European tour including Denmark, Germany, UK, France, Spain and Belgium. We were super excited about getting to play loads of new cities and meet new and old friends.
Unfortunately our singer Tijana has gotten a severe stomach pain, which has grown worse and worse during the last few days. In pure denial we have all just kept our fingers crossed and figured INSHALLAH WE WILL STILL BE ABLE TO GO ON TOUR!
However reality struck down upon us harder than ever. Tijana now has a high fever and blood in her urine and is in the hospital waiting for answers. It might be her appendix or something with her kidneys, uterus or other intestines. The doctors have forbidden her to leave the country since they say that there is a risk that this condition, whatever may be causing it, might get worse and turn into something life threatening within just a few hours.
This leaves us with no choice but to cancel the entire tour. We are all very worried about Tijanas condition and also feel enormously EMPTY inside, since most of us spend our entire working years just longing for finally getting to go on tour. So LIFE SUCKS right now.
As if this wasn’t enough we also want to inform you that our bass player Clara, who has been a founding member and been in the band since 2001 (she even was the one who stole this band name from Barbie’s band) now is leaving us. This was decided some time ago and this tour was planned to be her grand finale. So since this tour now has to be cancelled we will see if she perhaps might do some other show/shows as her final ones on some other occasion. There are no hard feelings. It was Clara’s own decision to leave the band and it is something she has been thinking about for a while. She simply feels that she lacks the energy and motivation needed to stay in the band. The rest of us will continue to play and we will be looking for a new bass player.
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Kategori: Gigrecensioner.
Kategori: Gigrecensioner.
Kategori: Skivrecensioner.
Kategori: Gigrecensioner.
Kategori: TV
Great news for all you This is England fans, we know that the first episode will be premiered at the Edinburgh film festival in August.
The festival runs from August 26th to August 28th and though there is no date yet for when it will have its public release it goes along with earlier reports of a September release.
Shane Meadows will be presenting the Edinburgh screening much like he did with the first screening of This is England ’86.
As well as that there are a couple of TV teaser campaigns that you can see below. Things are starting to get exciting!
Kategori: Gigtips.
16,00 Astrids Syra
16,30 Så Jävla Onödigt
17,00 The Past
18,00 The Bristles
19,00 Smash It Up
20,00 Vänsternäven
21,00 Electric eel shock
22,00 Comminor
23,00 Prins Carl
24,00 Fuck Frankie
01,00 Efterfesten startar redan inne
på festivalen med den givna succe’n
02,00 Skruvar vi ur proppen för denna dagen.
12,00 Inner Killer
12,30 Suicide Bombers
13,00 Harakiri
13,30 Vanvett
14,15 Panik
15,00 Avgå
16,00 Sabotage 81
17,00 Rövsvett
18,00 Topper
19,00 City Saints
20,00 Rövbajs stora tackohejgig
21,00 Troublemakers
22,00 Headons
23,00 Snutjävel
24,00 Midnite Stalkers
01,00 Psykbryt
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Kategori: Film & Dokumentär.
Kategori: Gigtips.
Kategori: Film & Dokumentär.
Kategori: Böcker.
Kategori: Skivrecensioner.
Kategori: Skivsläpp
Kategori: Skivrecensioner.
Kategori: Allmänt
Well shit.
As you may or may not have heard the Supersuckershave had to cancel their upcoming European tour due to unforeseen issues. Not ones to keep you good people of impeccable taste in the dark, we'd like you to hear it from us first.
Our lead singer, bass playing madman, Eddie Spagetti has been diagnosed with stage 3 oropharynx cancer and will undergo surgery and radiation treatments this summer.
All good vibes, juju and well wishes accepted.
More news as it comes.
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Kategori: Klubb.
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Kategori: Skivsläpp
Kategori: Distros & affärer
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We are looking for you - awesome human being - that wants to fill the currently empty, and extremely important spot as bass player in Besserbitch. We play fast, furious and melodic punk rock and we are right now in the writing process of our second full length album, and have great happenings ahead of us :)
We only have a few criteria’s for you:
* You like (love) the kind of music we play, and have a sense/feeling of how to play this kind of music.
* You have the time, interest and passion to play in a band. This means rehearsal every week, and possibility to take time off from work sometimes, for gigs/tours/recordings etc.
* You can play bass, and you can play it fast!
* On stage experience.
Personal qualities:
We (Besserbitch) are a group of close friends very different from each other but with a lot of love and respect for one another.
We are open minded and have lots of fun together, the fun and friendship is the core of our band - so, it's important that you too are an open minded and positive person.
We hope you are out there somewhere! :) And everyone else - feel free to spread the word and share this to all your friends in order to help us find our next bass player.
Much love,
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Kategori: Skivrecensioner.
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Kategori: Skivrecensioner.
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Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Gigtips.
Kategori: Skivsläpp
Kategori: Allmänt
Körsångare, blåsinstrumentmusiker sökes!
Utanbygatan, ett folkinfluerat reggaeband från Västerås, söker personer med färdigheter i körsång och blås. Är du eller en vän den vi söker? Välkommen då att kontakta oss via mejl eller telefon.
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Kategori: Gigtips.
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